Saturday, September 7, 2019

Fire and Ice


          Knowing Nature 

               is back....
                  yet again....   

     This blog entry started when I was talking to my dad's parents, up in Minnesota. They mentioned that they were getting some cold weather already, and meanwhile that made me think of gym class earlier, which was SO HOT!
     And that made me think of a poem I had seen when I found the Yellowstone one in my previous entry. So, here goes.


Some say the world will end in fire; 

Some say in ice. 

From what I've tasted of desire 

I hold with those who favor fire.🞻

But if it had to perish twice, 

I think I know enough of hate 

To say that for destruction ice       Is also great    And would suffice.    -Robert Frost

🞻Has this guy ever experienced a Florida summer?

     This poem got me thinking, so look at the predicted forecasts on Saturday, September 7, for... 

Tampa, Florida: 92 degrees Fahrenheit 

Toronto, Canada: 71 degrees Fahrenheit 

St. Paul, Minnesota: 66 degrees Fahrenheit 

Mexico City, Mexico: 76 degrees Fahrenheit 

Washington D.C.: 83 degrees Fahrenheit


Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Big Blue Sky

Knowing Nature is back again with poems for you!

           Many, if not all, of my loyal blog readers know that I went to Yellowstone this summer. While doing a bit of research on it, I've found some poems that I'd like to share with you.

Forget all your troubles,  forget all your cares.

And go to the park with bison and bears.

 Moose go grazing. Gray wolves stalk.

 Great elk climb, and pronghorn walk. 

Rivers flow and geysers spout. 

Fir trees rise, and lilies sprout.

 Brown trout swim and falcons fly. 

All beneath a Big Blue Sky.

-Douglas Florian

          That inspired me to create a Yellowstone poem of my own. So, here goes:

Everything is calm. 

The hot springs are flat, flat as can be. The geyser is merely a hole in the ground. 

Everything is calm. 

Then the geyser bubbles... once...twice... 




 A wild frenzy. shouting, awe, silence at the majesty. A scramble for photos. It shoots up far above each head. And then it's gone... 



